New Age Provisions' roots made it from slaves on the ship, to sharecroppers in the South, to advanced hydroponic farming in the city. The one thing that hasn’t changed is our desire and ability to use the land to feed our families and our communities.
Mario Vitalis, is the owner and founder of New Age Provisions Farms. Farming is a way for him to connect with his ancestors and provide for his family in similar way to what his great grandparents did in the South. New Age farming is a way of using technology to feed our families and communities and fill a need for local foods. We are not bound to the rules of traditional farming. Technology allows us a new way to farm and a fresh take on the supply chain.

This book is the first book to be written about hydroponic farming inside a shipping container. Readers get a glimpse in the life of DeMario Vitalis and get to understand the test, trials, and tribulations that he had to overcome to become a Black farmer. As you read this book you will come away with a general understanding of hydroponics and how it is used inside of a shipping container. Whether you're interested in hydroponics, farming, becoming a small business owner, or just like a good story, well then friend, this is the book for you.